Los Angeles Magic Lawyer

Legal Solutions for the Business Problems of Magicians & Other Professional Entertainers

The Cowan Law Firm has significant experience representing professional magicians and other entertainers. Our more than 35 years of experience in show business – both as a working magician and representing magicians – give us a unique understanding of the legal issues that professional entertainers face. This background has allowed us to devise and deploy strategies ranging from legal theories never before applied to the magic industry to more traditional legal solutions.

If you are a professional magician or entertainer and are in need of quality legal counsel, contact Santa Monica Professional Entertainer Lawyer Jeffrey Cowan at (310) 394-1420 to schedule a consultation with an attorney who understands the business and will give special consideration to your needs and expectations.

Los Angeles Attorney Who Represents Performers and Entertainers

We have helped performers and other entertainment industry professionals in a variety of ways, including the following:

Resolving disputes over unpaid fees

Litigating disputes arising from magic-related business ventures

Preparing, analyzing and revising contracts for performances

Counseling clients about how to avoid litigation

Creating confidentiality agreements

Licensing “trade secret” magic tricks – including the Fitch-Kohler Holdout – thereby helping to protect against not only their exposure on television but also “knock offs”

Creating releases for spectators appearing in magic videos

Curbing the unlawful distribution of pirated videotapes, and

Analyzing unfair competition and intellectual property rights issues that affect creators, manufacturers and wholesalers of magic.

Magicians and magic-related businesses that we have represented include the following:

Apollo Robbins

Bob Kohler

Chris Korn

Steve Spill

The Academy of Magical Arts, Inc. (Operator of the Magic Castle Nightclub in Hollywood, CA)

Magicopolis (Located in Santa Monica, California)

Mark Wilson

Dan Sylvester, AKA Sylvester the Jester

Armando Lucero

James Lewis

Michael Forbes

John George

Doug Brewer

Whether you are a magician, comedian, singer, actor, or other entertainer; whether you need to explore litigation or want to use the prudent “ounce of prevention” approach to better protect against such risks later – we are ready and able to help. If your legal needs end up falling outside of our areas of expertise, we will try to refer you to talented lawyers in those practice areas.

Contact Los Angeles Professional Entertainer Attorney Jeffrey W. Cowan

Contact us at (310) 394-1420 for additional information or to schedule an in-office consultation. Attorney Jeffrey Cowan has more than 20 years’ experience representing a wide variety of entertainers and possesses the knowledge necessary to help you resolve your legal dispute effectively and efficiently.

Call (310) 394-1420

9301 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 609

Beverly Hills, California 90210

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For Self-Storage Facility Operators

For Magicians and Entertainers

The Cowan Law Firm

The Cowan Law Firm

Phone: (310) 394-1420

Fax:  (310) 394-1430

Email: info@cowan-law.com

Two Locations


9301 Wilshire Blvd.

Suite 609

Beverly Hills, CA 90210


401 Wilshire Blvd., 12th Floor

Santa Monica CA 90401